Wednesday, February 16, 2011

I am in Baking Heaven

Remember my 1940's stove I purchased this last weekend? Well guess what?!? The oven bakes amazingly accurate. After reading forums and looking at range restoration sites on-line I found out quickly that one of the most common problems with antique stoves is that the ovens are way off and need to be re-calibrated, of which I knew the husband would not be into paying for. So after we hooked up the gas-line to the stove, checked for leaks best we could (I think I will still have the gas company come out and check it too) I whipped up a batch of blueberry muffins and put them in an old pan of my Grandmothers that was just as thick and hefty as my new stove. Then I turned the oven on, match lit it and turned it up to 425, put the muffins in, and crossed my fingers.

Within 10 to 15 minutes I pulled out perfectly even baked muffins. It was like I pulled them right out of the 40's myself. I think this oven will be the closest thing to a time machine I will ever have or see. I seriously have never been so excited. Okay maybe a couple of times I have been more excited, but still it was amazing. I mean what are the odds of me finding a stove like this? Let alone it has all the parts, works, and bakes great? 

Next I am curious to see how a regular modern pan will hold up to the heat this mama puts out. I swear you could third degree burn yourself on several surfaces while this thing is baking. The Kenmore sign on the front is also the oven vent and that thing gets hotter than hot. I also made a note-to-self to never put anything plastic in the storage area, because it would for-sure not survive the oven being on. 
I just have to think 1940's and what they had and used then and everything should be good. I may need a couple more pans from the Grandmother. Oh, and the compartment I thought was a warmer I am not so sure about anymore, I think it might be a broiler, but I am not so sure how to figure that out. So I think from now-on I will bake all my cakes and cupcakes down-stairs in the old oven. It is just so fun, and even more fun to say I baked it in an oven that is almost 60 years old. How crazy is that!?!


  1. Thanks Jess! Lets bake something when you come over to do your table.

  2. what is the model number to your stove? I have one almost identical to it and i need some parts for it but cant find a model number. Thanks in advance.

  3. sdauzat03 - I can get you the model number tomorrow. I have renters in my basement right now so I cannot just go down there anytime.

  4. Ok, That sounds great. Thanks
